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Fitness is Important

The long and short of it is this; if you have any dignity whatsoever, you should probably start working out. Immediately people get the wrong impression when they hear this. They assume it means they need to set a long-term goal for themselves, a prospect which they are immediately intimidated by. An image of a roided out bodybuilder comes to mind instantly, a nearly unachievable, unrealistic expectation given whatever else they have going on in their lives, so by proxy that must mean that working out is unrealistic, right? I want to clear up some things for those who are intimidated by exercise, and explain why you should do it anyway, and how to circumvent some of the problems people have that prevent them from doing it. Before I say too much, know that you should be working out for recreation. It really feels like people who dont work out think it's a commitment that they need to take seriously, and that they need to dedicate their lives to it if they expect any results.

That couldn't be further from the truth. Even so much as doing a couple curls and cardio for five minutes is sufficient if you are starting out. If you're going to the gym for the first time, you have absolutely no business treating it seriously, unless your life is on the line. That is something you have to build a slow tolerance to doing regularly, otherwise you will quickly burn out. Before I lose you, I also want to emphasise that this rant doesn't cover dieting in any capacity. I'm talking about the benefits of exercise, here, damn it. Let's face the music, dieting sucks, and you only do it out of necessity. There's no fun in that, but the fun that it lacks can be had with exercise.

For the sake of making things concise, I will refer to someone who doesn't work out as "Dyel". Which just means someone who does not lift or at the least does not appear to lift. It's a weightlifter thing. When a Dyel imagines the horrifying prospect of exercise, they'll often jump to excuses as to why they never could. It genuinely feels like whenever I hear these responses, they're not trying to convince me, they are only speaking to give themselves an answer. That's rich coming from a guy who is writing about it on his webpage. On that matter, I have selfish intentions while writing this. It's infinitely saddening to me that I have lost potential lifting buddies to these excuses, so I want to address them in the hopes that one day, I will find more peers who enjoy working out, so that I can work out alongside them and shoot the shit, as it were. Maybe even find a woman who is a willing candidate to be my lifting fuck buddy. Sorry, I'm getting off track and also a bit sad.

Let's cut to the chase, the feeling during and after working out fucking rocks. You might not realize it, but you feel terrible when you sit around and do nothing all day. Human beings didn't evolve by sitting around, you know, we had to run around to secure our food and run from predators after all. We've still got that gene going, that's why people who aren't very active, more oft than not, tend to be in shitty moods. If the reader disagrees, I'm sure your problem is that you're going too hard or you don't have much of a frame of reference. As I said earlier, new blood should only be worried about testing the waters, nothing more. Lifting weights releases hormones in your body that make your mood better, and make you feel nicer. Some of you might be surprised by that. Wait, so you're telling me there's more benefits to lifting than physical health? Yeah, get fucked idiot, lifting weights has mental health benefits too. If you find yourself depressed, anxious, lacking proper sleep, or insecure, lifting helps. Even if just a little bit, it's worth the effort. It's a wonderful way to cope with living, especially compared to destructive alternatives.

My least favorite among the arsenal of excuses for not exercising is the cost. Dyels are under the impression that working out is expensive. In reality, it varies a lot, but even if you're dirt poor, it's possible to make do. Many local mom-and-pop gyms have very affordable memberships, you don't need to visit a Mountainside or a Planet Fitness (As a matter of fact, avoid Planet Fitness whenever possible.) to get a proper gym experience, if that's really necessary for you. Many gyms offer guests for their members, which can significantly reduce the cost, provided you know someone who is willing to have you on their guest plan, which I'm well aware not everyone has access to this.

Assuming you don't want or cannot go to a gym, there are still ways around that. Weights can be bought from digital marketplaces, like ebay and such. Too expensive still? You must be very poor, but you still have options. simply look around you. I would bet money that you have something, anything that can make for improvised gym equipment in your posession. With a broom handle, some milk cartons, and some sand from my backyard I made a barbell that I've used for years now. Hell, even if you don't own anything that can make the cut, you still have options. There's several calisthetic exercises you can do that don't require any objects aside from your own flesh and blood. Sure, going to a dedicated gym might be more fun, but you can still get a kick out of working out on your own.

Dyels also seem to be too insecure to go to the gym, lest they be judged by the more experienced members of the gym. Before the advent of smartphone cameras, I would have said that it's a completely unreasonable fear. Nowadays, that's still true for the most part with a few stipulations. There are a small minority of retards who go around with the sole purpose of finding someone who is doing an excercise wrong so they can record it and upload it to their instagrams for likes. Fuck these people, and pretty much all of them go to planet fitness anyway, so just stay away from there. Aside from that, however, there's very little judgement to be had at a gym that cannot be found just walking outside. The bodybuilders there don't pay you any attention because they're too invested in themselves. Everyone else is probably just as insecure as you are. The people who go around making fun of people and shit are incredibly rare, mostly because everyone else recognizes that they're an asshole and they're likely to be kicked out. As such, they're usually huge pussies, resorting to silently filming people. Be that as it may, the worst case scenario is that some youtuber makes fun of you and then people quickly forget about your fuckup. If it's still not a risk you're keen on making, there's still always the option of going to one of those tiny public gyms or just working out at home.

Finally, perhaps the funniest reason I've heard time and time again, and it's usually either from women or really young men. That being their concern that if they work out, they will get "too buff". If that is how it worked, I'd probably have my goal body by now. Real dedication is required for those types of results to show. That's why people have made a career out of how far they can push the limits of their own body. Recognize that these people have to use a combination of fake and real tanning solutions in order for their muscles to be so defined. There's also the variable of what you eat. You need lots of protein to become shredded to the teeth. In terms of appearance, working out will fill you out and likely nothing more, especially if you're fat like me. You likely won't even have the eye to notice your kickass beginner gains. I desperately pray that this has encouraged at least one person out there to pick up exercise. It's a fantastic hobby that's good for the spirit if nothing else. The best thing about it is you can go at whatever pace you like. Whether you spend 15 minutes on a treadmill and go home or do some resistance afterwards, you always improve. Whatever you have to do to make it fun for you.

If you learn to enjoy working out and decide to take more steps to improve your health, visit this website. http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html