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The Transgender Community

I’d like to make clear my approach to this topic as a whole before making my primary point. This is for reasons other than covering my rear after saying things that are controversial. It’s a prerequisite for understanding my motive. There is something that compels them to change their gender identity and “fixing” or “suppressing” that trait a fruitless endeavor. It cannot be helped that there is a section of humanity that is hell bent on choosing such a drastic change in their life and person, and it cannot be of any aid to them to prevent them from doing so. They should be given the utilities to carry out their transition, within reason and with some processes to determine if it’s right for them and give them time to commit. There is a likelihood that a transition is not for them, but that’s mostly a consequence of the recent public acceptance and popularity of gender transitions, not necessarily is it a fault of the process itself. A reality many trans people may find difficulty in accepting is that an incredibly specific brain chemistry is a prerequisite to being satisfied post-transition. A more digestible summary of this tangent is that I believe people with gender dysphoria deserve the right to carry out a transition, let it not be said that I wish to impede those rights.

I find that in my experience, the trans world is exceptionally aggressive in the embrace and presentation of their lifestyle and wish to share their experiences with others. They do this through creating their own banners, rallies, events, and a heavy focus of such matters in the choice of their friends. These traits classify a tribe, which isn’t on it’s own negative. Tribes are important, but continue knowing that the transgender community is a tribe whether that fact sits well with you or not. Having a problem with that could indicate that you need to re-evaluate what "tribe" means to you. With that said, let this be a warning to any who haven’t undergone a transition and are a fledgling member of the transgender “community”. Communities in general have negative properties along with any good they provide, and this is the case tenfold when it revolves around a severe and permanent change to one’s physical body or identity. The change is permanent, even in the case of something that may seem so benign as a hormone blocker, there are permanent affects. Your body is a complicated machine, and a disruption in the chemical balance can completely sway the direction your life goes. You will be encouraged by non-medical professionals with a limited understanding of your character to undergo a change that will affect you for the rest of your life. It matters little if the encouraging individual’s intent is good or malicious for this to be a major issue. It’s the outcome of following their advice being ideal for you that is of concern.

What could be holding this world back most of all, is the refusal to humor the idea that being transgender might be an ailment or a response to something traumatic. To those people, I have to ask. Do you think there is something wrong with that? Honestly ask yourself why you perceive it that way and determine if that's such a bad thing. If you have had gender reassignment and it worked for you, this is still an important question to ask to understand yourself. Humor the possibility that it is, in fact, a response to trauma and understand that it may be that it's what people with this psychological desire to change genders need in order to feel comfortable in their own skin. This isn't to call this conclusion definitive, but being open to such ideas is good for your mental growth. It is also beneficial for properly separating those who a transition would benefit from who would have their lives ruined by it.

The infamous 40% suicide rate statistic is often used to criticize the trans world, but that is a terrible takeaway from being presented this factoid. What this should make you think instead is about who is following a transgender life and how it is introduced to people, especially those who are particularly young and still finding their place in the world. Children make horrible mistakes all of the time, it is a part of being young. We as a collective, trans or otherwise, should take extreme care over how our youth is exposed to sexuality. These concepts should be introduced overtime from natural exposure to the world and not forced on them in their early years. Let the child process the knowledge on their own rather than rushing them. Ideally, do not even tell them your opinion on gender transitions. Children have it hard enough figuring out what is happening in their brain as it is. This is a variable you should heavily consider regardless of whether you loathe transgenderism, embrace it, or any sentiment in between. If a conservative happens to be reading this, note the possibility that you might be on the other end of the extreme I detailed here, and that it might be doing just as much damage to our youth.